Thursday, June 3, 2010

Planning, planning and more planning

Oh my goodness, have three and a half months really gone by since we set the date for the wedding? Yes, it's true, they have. Here we are, in June, with about four and half months to go, roughly at the mid-point from setting the date and the day itself, and I feel as though I have done next to nothing up to this point. Of course I know that's not true but with so many things not needing to be done until the last month or so before the wedding, I feel like I'm procrastinating on one of those few things you really don't want to procrastinate on. Last month, I was able to fly out to San Diego to visit my dad, who took me cake tasting and set me up with a hair stylist and florist, both of whom have given me homework. I am under orders to find hair styles and flowers/flower arrangements I like and send pictures to the hair stylist and florist respectively. Unfortunately, the internet is failing me and I think I need to finally succumb and go buy some of those over-price bridal magazines sometime in the next couple of days. Also, it's about time I get myself organized so I want to put together a wedding notebook with all my ideas, lists and pictures. In the mean time, I'm going to keep working on making the wedding music playlist and working on the wedding favors. I am so excited about the favors, I can't even tell you! I'm breaking them into three different groups: wedding party, wedding guests, and kids. I'm trying to do as much from scratch as possible regarding the favors. I will post pictures of my fun wedding craftiness after the wedding, but I want to keep as much of it a secret until then.

In other news, a very good friend of mine just had her second baby on Tuesday the 1st! I'm hoping to have some time between work and wedding to make something fun to welcome Miss H to the world and maybe something for her big sister Miss P to welcome her to the world of big-sisterhood.

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