Saturday, February 27, 2010

Such a wonderful surprise!

So I'm so sorry I haven't posted this sooner since it's now been a week, but Mr. C. and I finally set an official date for the wedding! We're going to be getting married on October 17th of this year in a little place called Julian. I'm so excited, I can't even describe it! I know I've been engaged for a year so I've had time to get my head around the idea of getting married and even planning most aspects of the wedding but there is something very comforting and exciting about having an official date set. And as if my weekend could get any better, Charlie surprised me with something completely unexpected.

Mr. C. and I have been, I'm embarrassed to admit, been extra lazy and a bit messy lately. So, when he asked me to help him clean up our room on Sunday, I fully understand and actually really appreciated that he came up with the idea (as it's usually me suddenly having a moment of fits where I think 'oh my ponies! I need to clean this up now or my life is going to fall apart!'. So we had quite a few things to take down to Charlie's parent's house so while he did that, I did laundry and cleaned up, finally putting books on the shelves (which made me suddenly so much more comfortable and at home). He was gone for quite awhile sending a message saying he thought of something else he needed to take care of and would explain when he got home. Finally, he showed up (I was getting concerned because we had talked about going to see a movie that night. It was getting late and I had work the next morning so I didn't want to be out too late) and asked me to come help him with something. When I got downstairs, you can imagine how surprised I was to see one of my best friends and bridesmaid Stephanie! I had just talked to her the day before saying we could talk more about the details later, only I had no idea just how much sooner! She and Mr. C. had been planning her trip out here since November basically as an excuse for her to take us to see one of her and my favorite bands Flogging Molly. Having her around for several days was admitting exhausting since I did not want to go to bed at my normal time just so I could spend more time with her, but it was all so worth it! We had a great time together hanging out, catching up and I was even able to have a "normal" bride experience shopping for a bridesmaid dress and shoes with her. Since the wedding is now a fall wedding, we ended up changing the colors to a deep red and silver. Miss S. ended up finding a gorgeous dress on sale that's she's going to absolutely stunning in and silver shoes to match. My maid-of-honor ended up talking to me on the phone one night and we shopped for her dress online together. She's going to buy the same shoes as Stephanie and found an equally gorgeous dress that she will look equally stunning in. She then very politely requested I give her stuff to do to help take care of the wedding because that's her job. I feel a little bad now since most everything is planned and there's really not a whole lot to do. Maybe it's too soon, maybe I have no idea how much still needs to be done and I'll find myself freaking out in August piling more and more work on poor Jessica's lap at the last minute. I really do hope to avoid that.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

And in other news...

I'm getting married on October 17th! Charlie and I finally, finally set the date just today. He called the inn to see if the date was available, and it was, and we happened to be able to make the reservation so we did. It's set, and I can't stop smiling!

Well, that is until I think about the fact that we're supposed to get more snow on Monday (MORE!? How is it possible to get more? I know, it's nothing compared to further up North but still....). I heard an estimate of 14 inches. I hope to ponies* that's not true. I can't deal with any more snow.

What else is going on....Well, work is finally settling down. I'm finding that I actually have time to sit down and help process some of the archival collections, which makes me happy because I'm just that kind of dork and because it gives me time to get to know my staff on a more individual basis. I'm really liking everyone I work with and with the exception of having to get up at 5:45 in the morning (really?! I didn't know they had one of those in morning!), I actually look forward to my job most days.

Anyway, short post today. And to make up for the lack of images, here's a link to a new favorite blog. Enjoy!

Edit: I forgot to include the * explaination: *ponies instead of God. A saying my good friend got me hooked in.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February already...

The last month has flew by so fast, I can hardly below it! I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that it's no longer January. So far, the best part about February is that it means time is continuing and winter will eventually end. We had a storm last weekend that left about 6 inches of snow, a storm on Tuesday night that had the building I work in open 2 hours late (and left me sitting in a Starbucks for 2 hours since I didn't get the call we were starting work late until I was already in DC), and an even bigger storm predicted for this weekend. It's supposed to start snowing around 9 am (which has me trying to decide if going into work is even worth it when it takes about an hour and half from the house to the building) and basically is not supposed to stop until Sunday. The DC area is supposed to get at least 12 inches of snow with some areas getting as much as 24 inches. I have informed Mr. C that if next winter is this bad, I will be moving back to the West Coast. I can handle some winter, but not a whole lot and this is definitely pushing my limits.

As for the new job, I cannot below how tired I am. It's finally, finally starting to slow down but those first couple of weeks, we had so much to do to get the office running and the staff trained that I'm still trying to recover. My co-manager is still amazing and really keeps me going when the caffeine has worn off. I'm really enjoying everyone working with us and I love that I get to share my love for documents and preservation with people. Today, I found out that one of the women working with me enjoys processing collections so much, she wants to try to get another job like this as soon as this job is over. My little heart nearly burst with pride and excitement when she told me that.

And in an effort to distract myself from the oncoming storm and give myself something to look forward to discovering, here is an image I found from inside what sounds to be a gem of a used bookstore, Capitol Hill Books.

Ah, books...they really do make me so happy! How can anyone resist? How everyone has a great weekend!