Sunday, February 21, 2010

And in other news...

I'm getting married on October 17th! Charlie and I finally, finally set the date just today. He called the inn to see if the date was available, and it was, and we happened to be able to make the reservation so we did. It's set, and I can't stop smiling!

Well, that is until I think about the fact that we're supposed to get more snow on Monday (MORE!? How is it possible to get more? I know, it's nothing compared to further up North but still....). I heard an estimate of 14 inches. I hope to ponies* that's not true. I can't deal with any more snow.

What else is going on....Well, work is finally settling down. I'm finding that I actually have time to sit down and help process some of the archival collections, which makes me happy because I'm just that kind of dork and because it gives me time to get to know my staff on a more individual basis. I'm really liking everyone I work with and with the exception of having to get up at 5:45 in the morning (really?! I didn't know they had one of those in morning!), I actually look forward to my job most days.

Anyway, short post today. And to make up for the lack of images, here's a link to a new favorite blog. Enjoy!

Edit: I forgot to include the * explaination: *ponies instead of God. A saying my good friend got me hooked in.

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