Friday, January 21, 2011

Baby news

I'm making progress on the celestial blanket though finding graph paper tripped me up for quite awhile. Also, apparently in my hazy-brained pregnant state I have forgotten how to do basic math. No worries, it will get done and there will be pictures eventually.

In the mean time, I have been put on bed rest (which is BORING!!!) and I got the news yesterday that I am getting induced on Monday/Tuesday. So barring any other unexpected changes (like going into labor this weekend), Mr. C and I will be parents sometime Tuesday or Wednesday. I must say, one of the things I am looking forward to the most is getting rid of all this swelling. I can't even read a book for a long period of time without my gestational carpel tunnel kicking in and my hands and fingers going numb. If it's that bad when I'm just reading, imagine how obnoxious it gets when I'm trying to knit and suddenly I can't feel the needles or stitches anymore. *sigh* I was lucky it only started getting bad a week or so ago so I really haven't had to put up with it that long. Despite some discomforts and mild disagreements with being pregnant, I have been really lucky to have as smooth a pregnancy as it's been. I'm nervous, ok, scared beyond belief about the labor, delivery and suddenly being entrusted with a baby, but I'm hoping for the best and feel very loved and supported by everyone around me (including people who are "around me" only online). It's just another adventure right? Although something tells me this is one of those exceptions to the "it's about the journey not the destination" rule. I really couldn't care less about experiencing the "journey" of labor. I'd be more than happy to skip that part and move on to the next phase of the journey. I'm rambling now so I'll cut it short. Just wanted to update you all!

Happy Friday everyone and I hope you all have a great weekend.

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