Friday, January 14, 2011

Celestial baby blanket

I finally, finally started working on the celestial baby blanket I had been planning on making since I found out I am pregnant. About time too, right? I mean, my due date is Feb. 4th and now the doctor is talking about possibly inducing me in the next week or so. Yeah, about time.

Crazy how I can let little dumb things intimidate me into procrastinating or even into not doing them at all. In this case, it was a combination of having the money to buy the yarn, learning how to sketch out my own pattern, and having to learn how to do colorwork with my knitting. I knew how to change colors at the beginnings of rows but not how to do intarsia or fair isle knitting (for those who aren't knitters these are the 2 methods for creating patterns with colors within rows). Yesterday I finally decided I was just going to go and buy the yarn so I didn't have that excuse anymore, then I sat down and looked up knitting how-to videos for making patterns and doing colorwork. I almost couldn't get to sleep I was getting so excited about getting started and trying this all out. I still wish we were rich and I had enough money to buy the really nice all natural yarn but I've worked with this acrylic before and like it specifically because it's so soft. And since it's for a baby who will most likely being spitting up all over it and eventually dragging it all over the house, I like that it's machine washable and dryable. So all in all, I think the yarn choice is fine. :) And now, to get started!

Update: one things for sure, I really need to practice casting on my stitches more evenly. And what's up with this pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel syndrome? I can't work for more than 2 minutes before my fingers get all numb and tingly. Irritating.

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